I am a Dog

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I am a dog.

Through fields of green and human schemes,
My spirit leaps where nature dreams.
With wagging tail and thoughtful eyes,
I ponder life, love, and ties that bind.
Life as a dog is more than just a chase,
It’s a journey through both time and space.

I am a dog, and life’s a maze,
A thrilling, complex, intricate haze.
With every sunrise, every night,
I navigate by instinct’s light.

I roam through cities, fields anew,
A world of chaos and order too.
In every person, place, and thing,
A million lessons gently ring.

I am a dog, yet not alone,
Community’s heart, my cornerstone.
With every bark and joyful leap,
I find the bonds I wish to keep.

By quiet hearth, I rest my soul,
In human warmth, I find my whole.
With head on paws, I dream of worlds,
Where man and nature’s flags unfurled.

I am a dog, and love’s my lead,
My human’s touch, my core need.
Their voice, their care, it shapes my way,
A guiding light, day by day.

In times of joy, in times of strife,
My loyal heart dances through life.
I am a dog, a steadfast friend,
Through all of life’s twists, I’ll defend.

As seasons pass, winds make their call,
I embrace each change, part of it all.
With wisdom’s scent and grace of age,
I pace my race upon life’s stage.

I am a dog, and life’s been grand,
A tapestry by nature’s hand.
And when my steps no longer sound,
I’ll know I’ve loved, I’ve lived profound.

For in the end, as I look back,
Across the trails, beyond the track,
I’ll wag my tail, my purpose clear:
To live, to love, to hold dear.

I am a dog.

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