Category: Bold Outlaw

  • Bold Outlaw: Chapter 6

    Bold Outlaw: Chapter 6

    In Sherwood Forest, Robert and his close-knit family live harmoniously, surrounded by whispered legends of his Korrigan alter-ego. Despite looming threats, he protects the forest’s inhabitants. A chance encounter reveals his dual identity to his companions, leading to teasing and praises. Robert, the mysterious Korrigan, remains a guardian and a…

  • Bold Outlaw: Chapter 5

    Bold Outlaw: Chapter 5

    In “Melodies of the Past,” Robert revisits a woodland filled with memories of his father, Herne. Their reunion turns tragic as Herne sacrifices himself to protect Robert from the Woodsmen. Fleeing to Sherwood Forest, Robert seeks refuge while the Sheriff and Guy of Gisbourne plot to capture him and seize…

  • Bold Outlaw: Chapter 4

    Bold Outlaw: Chapter 4

    In the solemn chambers of Nottinghamshire Council, Sheriff of Nottingham cunningly plots to exploit the council’s weaknesses for power, using the death of his cousin as the catalyst. Walter de Goushill, now the inheritor of vast lands, schemes to sway the council, bolstered by his alliance with Guy of Gisbourne.

  • Bold Outlaw: Chapter 3

    Bold Outlaw: Chapter 3

    Robert finds himself in the primeval forest, fleeing from relentless pursuers. His regret and fear propel him to seek refuge, reflecting on the choices that led to this dire situation. Meanwhile, Herne, a skilled woodsman and mage, prepares to embark on a perilous journey to find his missing son, Robert.

  • Bold Outlaw: Chapter Two

    Bold Outlaw: Chapter Two

    In Chapter Two, Robert, a skilled archer, stumbles upon a lively gathering of Woodsmen. After proving his archery prowess in a series of escalating challenges, an unfortunate incident leads to a perilous situation, forcing him to flee into the forest, where he must navigate the dangers of nature and his…

  • Bold Outlaw: An Update to the Legend

    Bold Outlaw: An Update to the Legend

    “Bold Outlaw” provides a gritty and immersive retelling of the Robin Hood legend, painting a vivid picture of medieval Nottinghamshire. The story delves into the harsh realities that shaped the legend, emphasizing Robin’s connection to the people and his defiance against oppression. As young Robert prepares for his journey, he…